Thursday, April 29, 2010

2 posts in a row! wow.

Okay. I started typing this up as a facebook status, but soon realized I had far too much to say for an appropriately sized status update. And it's totally relevent to this blog so, yeah.

You think that in this expensive ass city, you can justify it all by the fact that you make more money in the same job than if you were living in say Cleveland. Well, turns out that's wrong.

I just saw a Travel Trainer job in Cleveland that pays $10,000 more a year than I make here!!!!!!!! Go figure. AND you don't even have to have a Bachelor's Degree, though they think it would be nice.

All of my justification is now thrown out the window. And it's frustrating. Incredibly frustrating. The last apartment I rented in the Cleve was $260 a month. Here I'm currently paying $810. Higher salary, cheaper rent. I think I would prefer to continue to be unaware of this fact.

But don't worry New York, you still have my heart. Even if I do need a raise in a big way.


  1. Oh no! Let's move to Cleveland! Do they need Transition Developers? :)

  2. I have no rebuttal for this. What do they pay CSPs? Or maybe they don't have those in Cleveland. Or camp counselors.



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