Tuesday, March 30, 2010

i have a favorite mta bus

I’m a travel trainer. That’s my job. What does that mean, you ask?

I ride the train, a lot. Oh and buses, many kinds, my favorite being the B12 Select bus. And sometimes I get to ride the Staten Island Ferry; my feelings on this are always mixed. Weather has a lot to do with it.

While riding around on various forms of public transportation, sometimes I am traveling with an adult with a developmental disability (I teach people with disabilities how to take public transportation from their house to their program). But that’s not what I’m going to be sharing with you. I see many many ridiculous things in this crazy, big, lovely city that I live in throughout my work week and it’s about time I start to share them.

I’ve been keeping notes for awhile on things that I see, planning to start this blog. Of course, today, when I actually do, they are at home. I’m sure anyone reading this at this point in time knows me pretty well and is in no way surprised by this.

But since this is supposed to be about the ridiculous amount of time I spend on public transportation, I should leave you with this.

Yesterday, I watched someone sketch me the whole way home. Well, to Jay Street in Brooklyn, where I transfer from the A to the F train. Let me tell you, a lot of stories are born on the A train. I wanted to ask if I could have the drawing but decided that it was probably better if she just kept it. It was raining and I was a mess. Not a pretty picture.

avandia lawsuits